Photo: Chris and Adam enjoying a beer at Intercomestibles Den Laden
Last week proved to be very busy indeed, distributing the latest batch of beers from BBNo, I hope everyone in Zurich is enjoying these.
We also had Adam Atkinson (the manager at my bottle shop & taproom – www.wishfuldrinking.co.uk) over for a visit, and had a good few beers with our stockists out here too!
He was impressed with the craft scene in Zurich and the knowledge base too.
To top it off, we had one of the brewers from BBNo Dennis, also in Zurich brewing a collab beer with Pierre and Daniele at BIERlab! Dennis was also on-hand to field questions from BIERlab regulars for a BBNo tap take over too – which was well attended.
Finally, Dennis and I (on separate days) attended the Lausanne Bier Celebration, where Dennis ‘mucked-in’ with Daniele serving BIERlab beers, whilst I kicked back and enjoyed the event with Sandro and Simona from the Zurich Beer Tour (let’s have just ‘one more’).
We still have small numbers for the following beers – let me know if you are interested in these, or if you have a requirement for any of the other brewers we carry – these are fresh stocks!
For events and collabs, please contact me directly and I will always try and organise something with our brewers too.
And remember, drink responsibly, drink craft beer…